And Outside The Rain Fell...

Just another blog. In many ways. Not a medium where I can express myself, blah blah blah. It's a blog. I'd like it to be a photo-blog. And that's that.

Changed plans no longer surprise me that much. Not after 3 month of travelling. Bern became Zurich in seconds, and I was glad. Playing train-train no longer excited me that much.

And therefore Zurich.

It is still a surprise, the way people work here. The Sabbath is taken really seriously here, the sunset too. Everything, absolutely everything remains closed on Sunday, even the best of the Supermarkets and convenience stores. A weekday is no better, shutters start closing just a few minutes after dusk. The lights remain on though. All of them. All night. This is really sharply in contrast to India. People seem to work harder back home. Maybe I'm wrong. But three months of Europe has left that impression. Do they work smarter? That's probably unanswered.

The lake. The towering church spires. Bells going agong in harmonious cacophony, apparently trying to outdo each other. And after 3 months of nearly every European city, I knew I had had enough. Finally. For this trip. A flower clock. Cobbled streets. Lanes narrow enough for no more than two people walking hand in hand. Beautiful benches, seagulls and swans. The Alps hanging far in the horizon. It's snow glistering in the morning sun. The weather was amazing. To just pull your cap down on your face. And sleep by the lake, the sound of paddling water your lullaby. Christmas trees. In all its finery. McDonald's that served vegetarian burgers. And a shopping mall that masqueraded as the Central Station.

I liked Zurich.

Now if only I could have found that cheese fondue and Rosti i was looking for...

Playing train-train to reach home. Just 4 switches.

PS. I noticed how huge the train windows here are. You save on precious metal. And us travellers have a sprawling view of the countryside.

I hurt my thumb after a fall in Titlus. Doesn't hurt anymore. Yippee!


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