And Outside The Rain Fell...

Just another blog. In many ways. Not a medium where I can express myself, blah blah blah. It's a blog. I'd like it to be a photo-blog. And that's that.

By the end of today, I had quite some difficulty in figuring what I did all day!

4 countries, 4 people, 3 trains and lots of sleep. We were moving away from Scandic Europe back to mainland, through a short stay over at Munich.

Oslo greeted us in the morning, with Baba joining us who was in apparently in the same train as ours since last night. Our first train was to leave to Goteberg in Sweden at 8.30 in the morning. Routing out the Subways in Goteberg early morning on the net, we set forth in a thoroughly uneventful journey, traversing the Nordic countryside deep in sleep after 10 days of country hopping. Breakfast was sandwiches and Marie biscuits, and we anticipated a yummy lunch at Goteberg.

Currency conversion in the Nord countries is always a pain, and doing so especially when you have less than an hour between connecting trains makes life rather painful. We picked up 4 12inch subs, boarding our next train to Copenhagan in Denmark. Having side seats to sit on, we feasted on our lunch, chatting about. Life seems so much different from the craze of first year, the work during internship and the good old CA Days.

Time passed quickly and we changed trains yet again from Copenhagan, boarding a train to Munich. We had made a countless changes over the last 10 days of our travel schedule, and in fact, we hardly had a concrete return trip planned before leaving. Just this morning, the plan was to spend a day at Goteberg, spend the night in a hostel and move through Sweden into France. Suddenly, we were reaching Germany the same night, and with completely different plans.

We now planned to see what all the fuss about the Oktoberfest was about, and we planned to do so from the heart of Bavarian Germany itself- Munich. Our train was to leave Copenhagen at 6.53 and the journey included an 8 kilometre journey under the sea! Next morning, Munich. Some more sleep beckons, as I write this staring at a 60 year old woman reading the New York Times with a 110 litre backpack (almost as big as me!) and her tent, sleeping bag propped against her. Wow. And night.


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