And Outside The Rain Fell...

Just another blog. In many ways. Not a medium where I can express myself, blah blah blah. It's a blog. I'd like it to be a photo-blog. And that's that.

Belgium. Antwerp & Bruges. And Subways.

Famous for its diamond industry, Antwerp on Sunday was as laid back as you can imagine. Dreary, sleepy and pleasantly cold, I wanted to do as little as possible, enjoying my Sunday morning relaxing by the river. And post a heavy Subway brunch, I guess the feeling was unanimous.

The city offered little to tourists except for an exceptionally relaxed atmosphere, a river that flowed gently, a kilometre and a half long underground tunnel across the river that provided a fantastic photography point. A Gothic Cathedral, a fountain depicting the legend of the Flying Dutchman, a town hall masqueraded by flags of almost every country, and great chocolate stores.

The light rain, good food, great company and the atmosphere of the city, it all set the right tone for what was to come next.

Boarding the train from Antwerp, we met this kind Belgian person who spoke Hindi, had visited India 13 times and seemed to be absolutely in love with the country. India was a cheap option to spend time in the cruel winters here, he pointed out. And was as vast and as diverse as the European countries, from Norway to Italy, much like Kashmir to Kerala.

And then, Bruges.

Easily the most romantic city we had been to. This little town exuded charm all over. The light rain, autumn colours, delightful little canals meandering amidst bridges and little houses, the waft of waffles filling the air, many beautiful, beautiful swans lining the canals, and a completely medieval feel to it, I hadn't seen a city so full of old world romance yet. Every road was neatly cobbled, there were tasteful cafes- lit with old fireplaces and candles on the table, and time-worn tapestry hanging on the walls. Even the buildings here looked like remnants of old road side inns. A huge convent that was enclosed by tall trees, church in the middle of Sunday mass and silence all around except for the whistling of trees, everything here was perfect. It was like time had forgotten this place.

I walked around the town as the light rain lapped down on my umbrella, stopping ever so often to admire the canals, the little homes or the cobbled road branching out into cafes and chocolate shops.

As dusk fell, the rain subsided and the city was wonderfully lit, as if out of a fantasy book. All we did here was to do nothing, and we were so happy doing that.

It seemed it was PritS' lucky day; he had several generous sponsorship offers made to him to come back here someday. Haha. The rascal only asked for more.

We were to spend the night at Lille, and I would have gladly spent another day here if I were not travelling with a bunch of guys and a committed girl!

Back at Lille, the only way we could spend the night was to stay with friends in different parts of the city, we went our separate ways, promising to meet at 6.18am again. Ah. Tired. But awesomely happy. Happy. Very happy.


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